There are definitely Top 40 kind of elements to your music. I only know it from more of an underground context , but it seems like it would have mass appeal.
I really resisted a lot of pop music earlier on in my life, and I’ve come around on it probably the last decade. I listen to so much pop now it’s sick. Like I’ve reverted back to a twelve year old girl, seriously. I just bought a Justin Bieber cd today. Like, what the fuck. It’s good though.
I’m actually really obsessed with that “Let Me Love You” song.
I don’t know it. Is it new?
It’s not new. You’ve definitely heard it. Anyway, no shame, is what I mean.
When I started doing electronic music, it really happened overnight. I was pregnant. I think I played my last banjo show pregnant as hell. I was literally nine months pregnant. I had my son, and then I didn’t play for over a year. My son’s dad got cancer during that time. He had cancer when I gave birth, like stage four. He was almost dead. We ended up moving to Iowa for his chemo treatments. We were basically in isolation in this town of 500 people, and we lived in the bottom floor of this old hotel. It was pretty scary, haunted, but I had a huge studio room. Those Far Fetched producers I had been hanging out with, they were like, ‘We really want you to try to make an electronic album.’ They were really pushing me to do it. They said they’d book me a show. They have good shows too. They all get gigs at the biggest art museums in St Louis; they had some art funding and stuff behind them. I was like, ‘This would be cool to play different kind of shows other than in somebody’s basement.’ So Iowa is really where I developed my electronic set, and then I drove back to St Louis to play my first show.
When I started playing electronic shows there wasn’t really a scene for that at all. I feel like it was an anomaly at that time. I was mostly playing at punk shows, and they hate pop. One time I got invited to play Pu Fest, which is sort of a punk/experimental festival. I was closing out the second night, and it was all punk bands and sorta serious noise. I opened my set with a Lana del Rey song. It’s called ‘I Fucked My Way Up To The Top.’ Back then nobody was a Lana del Rey fan, as far as I know. Except me. I always really liked her. But then I went right into some trippy song, and then I smashed a disco ball with a hammer. It was a black disco ball. I guess I just like to tease people with the pop aspects, because they’re like ,’I didn’t come to this show to listen to pop!’ But I actually do like it, and there’s a lot of overlap.
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