Do you end up in a lot of rave type situations alone?
There was a period where I did. Not constantly, but once in a while it happens, yeah.
Like playing in the wee hours of the morning?
Oh, all the time. Well, not for a year now, thank God. Yeah. Playing at like seven in the morning or something crazy. [Laughs] Yeah, it was pretty tough.
People in that part of the world have a lot of endurance for that kind of stuff, huh?
Yeah, much different than America. I was really surprised at first, because I was used to the American noise show style, where as soon as the show’s over everybody just kind of goes. Maybe three or four crazy people hang out and keep partying, but the vast majority of people go home. [Laughs]
The partying style is different in Europe, and in England, too. Not even talking about like shows or anything, but if people are hanging out and they’re gonna party in London, it’s a thing where you don’t go to sleep. In America if it’s Friday night and you’re partying and it starts to be like four, you really start considering going to bed. Four, that’s pushing it. But in London, it gets to be four, there’s no end in sight. People keep going until like two in the afternoon the next day. And maybe even stay up all day and power through that, and party Saturday night, too.
That’s wild.
Yeah, it is pretty wild. The couple times I’ve tried it I’ve fallen asleep. Woke up in a park. [Laughs] And the crew of people I’d been hanging out with when I’d passed out had sort of changed. When I woke up there was a couple people I was with before that were there, but a whole lot of new people. It was also the middle of the afternoon, and there were families out, and strollers, and I was just surrounded by empty beers waking up in a park.
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